Hi There!
Happy to see you have expressed interest the 21 Days to Maximize Your doTERRA Business Online Workshop! This is a go-at-your-own pace workshop. However, I recommended to do one topic per day for 21 days.
Anyone can join as long as you have a website, this includes those that only have a mydoterra website or those that already have a Practical Website Design Site. If at any point you would like to get a professionally designed website by Practical Website Design, scroll down towards the bottom of this page to view a demo, schedule a 10-min initial consultation, and order a website at a DISCOUNTED price with extra freebies.
I hope you enjoy this workshop and feel free to share it with your friends and team members. Looking forward to connecting with you!
Because Families Are By Design,
Jacqueline Merville | CEO of Practical Website DesignWorkshop Tutorials
Read more...HOW DO I PARTICIPATE AND SUBMIT MY ANSWERS FOR THE WORKSHOP? Each post will have a comments section towards the bottom of the page. Be sure to include your full name and e-mail with each comment to receive an entry into the weekly drawings. WHAT ARE THE TOPICS BEING COVERED AND WHEN ARE THEY...Read more...Day 1: HOW TO GET THE MOST OUT OF THIS WORKSHOP AND WIN FREE STUFF! Hi Everyone! Looking forward to spending the next 21 days with you all. Be sure to watch this Intro Video to learn all about how this works. TODAY'S TASK: INTRODUCE YOURSELF To enter the drawing for this week's giveaway comment...Read more...Day 2: TOP 5 MISTAKES WHEN CHOOSING A WEBSITE DOMAIN As you can imagine, being a Website Designer for many of doTERRA's top leaders, I've come across hundreds and hundreds of website names. I've noticed some domains do better than others. Watch today's video to get some tips to help you select...More Posts- Interested in a Practical Website Design?Step 1 of 3: Watch a Demo Video
Step 2 of 3: Schedule a 10-min Initial Consultation
Step 3 of 3: Order a Website
All workshop attendees can take advantage of the following special discount pricing!
Practical Website Design, LLC © 2018-2025
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